Better for Hydration

Tea brewed cold may be better for hydration. During the winter, many people choose hot beverages over cold ones which can result in lower water intake and dehydration.Choosing cold brew tea during the winter can help you stay hydrated even if you forget to drink your ice water.

All of D'Amazonia Teas have incredible health benefits that can help your health improves in many aspects. 

Today, we want to highlight the Digestive Tea benefits:

Improve Digestive System

Peppermint, lemon, and pineapple are packed with nutrients and antioxidants such as enzymes to fight inflammation and disease. They are linked to many health benefits, including aiding digestion, stimulating the kidneys to help reduce bloating and risk of heart disease, anaemia, and kidney stones.

Aid Weight Loss And Prevent Bloating

Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, such as fennel, pineapple, peppermint, and lemongrass that can help to fight inflammation and disease.  They help suppress appetite, so sipping this decaf blend can help you curb snack cravings and keep you on track for those better-body goals.

Anti Inflammatory

Turmeric, rosemary, sage are rich sources of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which are thought to help boost the immune system, improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of serious health conditions.

Boost Your Mood

Thyme contains nutrients that support normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Thyme may help maintain mental wellness and boost your mood.